Shore-Up Social club
Bring your own projects or have a go at something new; either way come along and have a bit of time out from life.
community of doing
The idea behind the Shore-Up Social Club is that we want to create a welcoming community without judgement or barriers.
A place that understands that mental health difficulties can make it hard to feel connected or comfortable around other people.
It's a place to be with other people where you can do what you feel most comfortable with and see if being part of our community of doing can feel helpful.
Different activities, different levels of support and lots of understanding.
You don't have to have experience of mental health difficulties to come to the Shore-Up Social Club: the idea is that we come together and everyone gets support and sense of connection whatever your individual challenges are.
At Shore-Up, it's about being together in activity not about talking about the difficulties you may or may not have.
Lets work out if doing something with other people can help us feel good
This year we will be running in person events 2-4pm,
normally the last Saturday
of the month
​​​In person dates:
25th Jan
​22nd Feb
29th Mar
Community Room
Thackray Museum of Medicine
141 Beckett Street
And virtual meetings will be on the SECOND Wednesday of every month 8-9pm on Zoom.
Virtual dates:
Jan 8th
Feb 12th
Mar 12th
Change of Date
Now the SECOND Wednesday!!
Get in touch if you have any questions, would like any more info or just want to get a feel for how it all works
what to expect
Whether you join a virtual Social Club session or a face to face one, you can expect the same set up and support:
Step 1:
Either just along on the day and join in
Get in touch if you would like to have a chat about what support might be helpful for you (you don't have to know exactly what will work for you, we can make suggestions if that's helpful) or if you just want a chat about what to expect.
Step 2:
Bring an activity, project or task that you want to do
this might be arty, crafty, work related, home related or purely about distraction from whatever you have going on
Have a go at one of the activities we've provided. There’ll be a range of different things to try
Step 3:
We start the session with some time to think about how we're doing that day, in that moment (there’s no expectation that you need to share these thoughts)
Step 4:
We all spend some time doing our different tasks, projects and activities
Step 5:
We end by thinking about how we felt during the session and how we're doing now (again, there’s no expectation that you share these thoughts)
Step 6:
We operate on a 'pay as you feel' basis so if you're able to and would like to contribute payment you can do.
This can be cash on the day or via our JustGiving page.
There's no expectation here, just donate what you can if you can, and if you can't please don't let that put you off coming, we would love you to come and join us.