doing more together

We believe that the things we do, where we do them and who we do them with make huge differences to how we feel about ourselves and our lives.
Our mission is to create:
a place where everyone can have time out from the challenges of life
a place where doing more together makes life better
a sense of community through being together in activity
We believe that being with other people is important to our health and wellbeing.
We know that it can be easier to be with other people if we’re doing something meaningful.
We know that it can be hard to find the 'just right' activity or space that feels welcoming.
Our vision is to create a community that provides that supportive space without expectations or demands about what you choose to do or how you do it.
At Shore-Up we aim to:
bring an awareness to why the things we do are important
provide support and create a sense of connection through meaningful activity in a shared space
help people find space and time away from the everyday worries of life